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 Wildlife Art
Banner photos by Kate Davis, Raptors of the Rockies. All rights reserved.
Updated 1/9/2024 9:28:30 AM

"Flat art" selection, starting in the 1980's

Check out the photography web site for some brand new images: raptorsoftherockies.com

Best of Steel Sculptures!

Kate Davis has been actively involved in wildlife art since 1975 when her pen and ink drawings were first published in the Cincinnati Zoo News. She is an internationally recognized wildlife artist and a national award-winning taxidermist. The source and inspiration for Kate's depictions are birds in the wild and the resident eagles, hawks, owls, and falcons of Raptors of the Rockies, both past and present.

Back in 2004 Kate began welding metal bird sculptures under the tutelage of Bill Ohrmann. Sculpture frames are made with 1/4 inch rounds, then 16 gauge steel pieces are cut with a plasma cutter, shaped by pounding with a hammer, and attached with a wire-feed welder. The garage has been transformed into a welding studio and resident birds have been great models.

In 1989, Kate began creating zinc plate etchings in an independent printmaking class with Don Bunse at the U of M. The metal plate is coated with a ground, image drawn in with a needle and aquatint values added with spray paints. It is etched in a bath of nitric acid, plate washed with solvents, repeat. The print "MEFE" had 12 trips in the acid! After a nearly 20-year hiatus, Kate is back at the printmaking projects, drypoint etchings at home now. Images are drawn on a special plastic (PETG) with a utility knife, background inks rolled on with a brayer, run through the press. Then the real fun - painting with gouache. Inks are water-based and can be washed in the sink, way easier, and safer. She is now exploring the world of Claybord - painting and etching combined. To view Kate's work click on the links below to view images of selected works.


Sculptures Please note that this page represents a separate and independent business of Kate Davis and is not associated with Raptors of the Rockies.

Contact Kate directly for more information.


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Contents, photos, and artwork property of Raptors of the Rockies. © 2000 - 2002
Photos by Kate Davis unless otherwise indicated.
Web site and graphic design by Steve Palmer.