Simon the Great Horned Owl standing on the Raven sculpture in the office.

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By the Numbers
- Raptor Facts as of Feb 2025
- Year we began our program: 1988
- Year we received our non-profit status: 1998
- Number of employees: 1 (me)
- Number of volunteers: 0
- Number Raptor Round-Up Newsletters: 63 issues, annual
- Number of copies printed: 350, plus on web site -THANKS to Minuteman Press for the color edition!
- Number of federal permits to keep the birds: 4
- Number of programs each year: 30-60 programs, record is 85!
- Number of programs to date: 1917
- Number of audience members for live programs: 139,895
children and adults
- Number of tours since we kept track ('99): 1230 !!!!
- Sibley the Peregrine program numbers: 743 and six ZOOM's, 4 TV shows
- Number of schools we have reached: 140
- Number of miles to programs, one year: 6000-10,000 miles
- Number of birds on our "Teaching Team": 11
- Number of species: 9
- Number of mice fed to birds in one year: 5000
- Number of quail: 650
- Pounds of meat - elk, deer, bear and squirrels: a bunch
- Number of Subarus (so far): 7
- Cost to run the Program for one year: $60,000
PowerPoint Presentations are Popular! I have a colorful "slide show" packed with images of birds and kids and programs, and have been invited to Chicago, Boston, Salt Lake, Seattle, Detroit, and even Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Pennsylvania. Just had our #1 Favorite at the Cincinnati Zoo - "50 Years as a Junior Zoologist," fifty years ago I began this avian life project. No live birds but just as fun.To date, we have conducted education programs for 140 different preschool, elementary, middle, high schools and colleges across Montana.
During the COVID-19 lockdown, we provided programs and tours by ZOOM, how 21st Century!
Email to schedule a program. Listed below are some the many businesses, organizations, and educational institutions that have enjoyed Raptor programs, circa 2000 or so, so way out of date, Kate. Sorry, friends.
Selected Program Sponsors
Organizations |

Schools |
Adventure Connections
Allegiance Benefit Foundation
Alliance for the Wild Rockies
Am. Assoc. Lab. Animal Science, Rocky Mt. Branch
American Association of Retired People
Animal Planet with Jeff Corwin
Back Country Horsemen
Beads For Birds
Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Big Brothers and Sisters
Birds and Bluegrass Festival, Missoula
Bitterroot Audubon, Hamilton
Bitterroot National Forest
Bitterroot Valley Living Center
BOW, Becoming an Outdoors Woman, Montana Fish. Wildlife & Parks
Brownies and Girl Scouts of Missoula
Butte-Silverbow Public Library
Camp Eureka for the Blind
CAMP MAK-A-DREAM, Children's Oncology Camp
Caras Nursery and Landscape
Child Care Resources
Clark Fork Manor Riverside
Community Hospital Rehabilitation Center
Community Medical Center
Conservation International Board of Directors
Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts of Missoula
Drummond 4-H
Ducks Unlimited Banquet
Ducks Unlimited Television
E bar L Dude Ranch, Greenough, Mt * for Prince William of Britain
E.L.C.A. Western States Youth Lutheran Church Camp
Elderhostel Services International
Excell Productions Gun and Sports Show
Expanding Your Horizons - Science and Math Conference, Missoula
Ezchange Club - China
First Night Missoula
Five Valley Archery Club
Five Valleys Audubon Society
Flagship Program
Flathead Indian Salish and Kootenai College
Florence Renaissance Fair
Forest Forum @ the Blacktail Ranch
Fort Missoula Historical Museum
Gathering of Cardiac Surgeons, River Ranch, Hamilton
Granite County Memorial Nursing Home
Greenough Potomac Firefighters and EMT's
Grizzly Peak Retirement Residence
Hamilton Garden Club
Hamilton Public Library
Head Start Program
Helmville Community Center
Holiday Ramblers - U.S. Recreational Vehicle Club
Homeschool Bitterroot Families
Homeschool Families of Western Montana
Hospice Program, Marcus Daly Hospital
Inland Empire Tours, Spokane
International Association of Avian Trainers and Educators
International Choral Festival - Tiawan
International Institute on Continuing Education - Japan
International Wildlife Film Festival
International Wildlife Film Festival
ITYP, Intertribal Youth Practicum
Junior Zoologists Club, Cincinnati Zoo
KECI Television, Montana NBC Affiliate
KGVO radio, Sportsman's Breakfast Program
Kiwanis Club of Missoula
Kohrs Memorial Library, Deer Lodge
KPAX Television, Montana CBS Affiliate
KUFM Montana Public Radio,
KUFM Public Television, PBS Affiliate
Last Chance Audubon, Helena
Leadership Missoula, Missoula Chamber of Commerce
Local Civic and Private Engineers
Lubrecht School of Forestry, U of M
Marshall Mountain Summer Camp
Migration Mania Migratory Bird Day 1999-2006
Mineral County Nursing Home
Missoula Aging Services
Missoula Art Museum
Missoula Children's Museum
Missoula Community Access Television
Missoula County Fair
Missoula Family YMCA Camp
Missoula Humane Society
Missoula Independent Newspaper
Missoula Public Library
Missoula Rotary Club
Missoula Society of Architects
Missoula Sunrise Rotary Club
Missoula Youth Homes
Montana Academy of Ophthalmology, Big Sky
Montana Audubon Annual Statewide Conference, Hamilton 1999
Montana Audubon Annual Statewide Conference, Polson 2000
Montana Audubon Family Naturalist Programs
Montana Aviculturists Association
Montana Bowhunters Association
Montana Dept. of Transportation Aviation Workshop
Montana Environmental Education Assoc.
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Fireside Chats - Johnsrud Park, Council Grove State Park
Montana National Resources Youth Camp, Lubrecht
Montana Natural History Center
Montana PBS, Public Television
Montana Taxidermy Association
Montana Wilderness Association
Montana Wilderness Association, Wild Divide Chapter, Helena
MT Department of Transportation Aviation Conference
National Bison Range, Moiese
National Youth Sports Camp, U of M
Naturalist Walk Through the Seasons - NWTS
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Community Hospital
Northwest Library Association
Opportunity Resources
PBS National Television - BirdWatch Prorgam
Pine Butte Swamp Guest Ranch
Pintler Audubon Society, Butte
Pyramid Mountain Lumber Company, Seeley Lake
Raptor Research Foundation '04, '05, '06
Riverside Health Care, Missoula
Rocky Mountain Labs
Rocky Mountain Log Home Builders
Royal Manor Care Center, Missoula
Rural Institute on Disabilities Montana
Saint James Community Hospital
Saint Patrick's Hospital
Sanders County Water Festival
SMILE Camp, Native American Science and Math Camp
Society of American Foresters
Society of Childrens Book Writers
Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators
Sons of Norway, Missoula
Soroptimist International
Stevensville Christian Homeschool Co-op
Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society, U of M
Talbot Home for Girls
The Big Game Classic Sports Show
The Blackfoot Challenge
The Brown Schools of Montana, Deer Lodge
The Harvest Festival, Missoula
The Junior Zoologists Club, Cincinnati Zoo
The Last Best Bluegrass Fest
The Nature Conservancy
The Patagonia Outlet, Dillon
The Postal Carriers Union
The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
The Stock Farm, Hamilton
The Tamarack Festival, Bigfork
The Wilderness Institute, U of M
The Wildwood Festival, Missoula
Tuesday Hikers Group
U.S. Forest Service Interpretive Program, Seeley Lake
U.S. Forest Service, MAVIS, Msla Area Visitors Info Service
U.S. Forest Service, Nature Walk Week, District Orientation
U.S. Freestyle Ski Championships
University of Montana - Philosophy Dept
University of Montana Art Dept. - Printmaking, Ceramics
University of Montana Linguistics Program, Japan Program
University of Montana, Environmental Studies Classes
University of Montana, Montana Wildlife Class
University of Montana, Ornithology Class
Upward Bound, U of M
Watson's Children's Shelter
Western Bird Banding Assoc. Convention
Western Montana Military Officers
Westslope Educational Project
White Tail Ranch, Ovando

Missoula Community School
Primrose Montesori
Spirit at Play Early Child Program
U of M School of Education Preschool
University Congregational Church Preschool
Western Montana Schools
Arlee Elementary
Arlee High School
Arlee Middle
Camus Prairie
Charlo Elementary
Charlo High School
Charlo Middle School
Cherry Valley Elem, Polson
Daly Elementary, Hamilton
Deer Lodge
Dillon Elementary
Dillon Middle
Dwyer School, Anaconda
Florence High School
Florence-Carlton Elementary
Glacier View Christian School, Ronan
Gold Creek
Grantsdale Elementary
Hamilton Middle School
Hot Springs Middle
Lincoln Elementary
Lincoln High School
Linderman Elementary, Polson
Lone Rock, Stevensville
Noxon Middle
Plains Elementary
Plains High School
Polson High School
Potomac Elementary
Prescott Middle School
Red Willow School, Victor
Ronan Elementary
Ronan High School
Salish Language School, Arlee
St. Ignatius Elementary
St. Ignatius Middle and High
St. Regis Elementary
St. Regis Middle School
Stanford Elementary, Middle, and High School
Stevensville Elem.
Sunset School, Greenough
Thompson Falls
Trout Creek Middle
Two Eagle River School
Victor Elementary
Victor High School
West Elementary, Butte
Missoula Area Schools
Big Sky High School
Blodgett View Christian School, Hamilton
C.S. Porter Middle School
Chief Charlo
Clark Fork School
Cold Springs
Downtown School
Emma Dickinson
Garden City Montesori, Missoula
Hellgate Elem.
Hellgate High School
Hellgate Middle School
Lewis and Clark
Loyola High School
Loyola Sacred Heart
Meadow Hill Middle School
Missoula Childrens Museum
Mount Jumbo
Prescott School
Rattlesnake Middle School
Sentinel High School
St. Joseph Elem.
Target Range
The International School
Valley Christian Elementary
Washington Middle School
Other Montana Schools
Pioneer Elementary School, Salmon, ID
Salish Kootenai College
The Mission Mountain School, Condon
University of Montana