Raptors of the Rockies
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 Raptor Blog
Banner photos by Kate Davis, Raptors of the Rockies. All rights reserved.
Updated 4/28/2017 7:39:45 AM

My favorite photo - a newly fledged Bald Eagle has a feisty American Kestrel take a ride for a second, taken at the river behind the house. My favorite photo - a newly fledged Bald Eagle has a feisty American Kestrel take a ride for a second, taken at the river behind the house.

Traveling Trunks are ready to rent!

Pileated Woodpecker pair in the front yard. New photos nearly every day on our Blog page!

Things are always hopping at the Raptors of the Rockies organization. We're taking care of the birds and maintaining their enclosures, we're conducting raptor programs at local schools and organizations across Western Montana, art is flying out of the studio, we're taking photos and shooting video, we're out in the field birding and/or doing research, and much, much more.

To help you keep up with the flurry of activities happening at Raptors of the Rockies, we're blogging on a more-or-less daily basis and our most recent posts are listed below. Enjoy!

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Our Pals
Posted: Fri, 26 Jul 2024


Big Doggie, Brown's Greenhouse Flowers
Posted: Wed, 24 Jul 2024


Bridge Re-installed
Posted: Wed, 24 Jul 2024

A great tour inspired by 40-year-long pal Robert Petty and a tour for the YellowBay Biological Station of Flathead Lake students of Paul Watson. I met Paul while attending a summer Animal Behavior class in 1980, and he is now the instructor for that class in the summers, up from Albuquerque and here today. We  met the Raptor Ranch Raptors, toured the art, photography, and books and then a favor. Could you friends install the bridge across the slough, out since the spring high waters. YEP, great work, pals except Mose the dog would not stay out of the way, on top the whole time! Bridge on the left in the background.

Red Sunrise
Posted: Mon, 22 Jul 2024

  Our yard at 7 am today and fires over that-a-way....

Red Squirrel
Posted: Fri, 19 Jul 2024

 Our front yard denizen and star of the Claybord painting, June 1st Blog.

New Etching!
Posted: Fri, 19 Jul 2024

Drypoint with printing inks and gouache 9" x 12" 

MCAT Filmmakers
Posted: Wed, 17 Jul 2024

Today a tradition started about 30 years ago, Missoula Community Access Television MCAT Young Filmmakers Camp, and some of the best kids (and staff) ever. Video recording starts with "Counting down from 5," and then "....cut." Sonora, Little Billie, Sonny and Nigel and Portia the stars. Plus Mischa had a special lunchtime presentation on the front deck. They all wanted little photos of Mose, smiling.


LOVE the Back-chinned Hummingbird!!!
Posted: Wed, 17 Jul 2024


My Favorite Hawk
Posted: Sun, 14 Jul 2024

 The Northern Harrier and four fledged near-by. More shots on the way.

Posted: Fri, 12 Jul 2024

A few weeks ago I discovered a new magpie nest built right up against Sibley the Peregrine's building, the circle to the right. Last year there was an active nest above her spot, the other circle and parent magpie squawking away to the left. Then I found out why - at least three of the chicks had bailed. Mom actually charged Mose the dog!

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Raptors of the Rockies    P.O. Box 250    Florence, Montana 59833    raptors@montana.com

Contents, photos, and artwork property of Raptors of the Rockies. © 2000 - 2002
Photos by Kate Davis unless otherwise indicated.
Web site and graphic design by Steve Palmer.