My favorite photo - a newly fledged Bald Eagle has a feisty American Kestrel take a ride for a second, taken at the river behind the house.

Pileated Woodpecker pair in the front yard. New photos nearly every day on our Blog page!



Things are always hopping at the Raptors of the Rockies organization. We're taking care of the birds and maintaining their enclosures, we're conducting raptor programs at local schools and organizations across Western Montana, art is flying out of the studio, we're taking photos and shooting video, we're out in the field birding and/or doing research, and much, much more. To help you keep up with the flurry of activities happening at Raptors of the Rockies, we're blogging on a more-or-less daily basis and our most recent posts are listed below. Enjoy! MAM Auction Extravaganza!Posted: Sun, 09 Feb 2025The Missoula Art Museum celebrated their 50th anniversary with the Solid Gold Benefit Auction last night, awesome fun. My etching "Sharp-shin" sold and my 1/2 of the proceeds pays off the "new" printing press, gift from Cindy Knutsen. This Richeson Press was missing the bed plate, and now ready to rock & roll when it warms up, as it is in the unheated studio. 19 inches wide so big monotypes in my brain!
| Feminist Bird Club of Northwest MontanaPosted: Fri, 07 Feb 2025Bird-loving friends slipped in a tour just before the blizzard season, last Sunday and fun. We all came inside and I was describing how three birds were in here for a week, mostly nights, subzero temps. One gal pointed over in the corner, "Look, a feather!" I could stuff a pillow with all the falcon and quail feathers in that room. Cracked me up and should have been there when I put Sibley back outside that morning and busted out the vacuum cleaner for our guests.
| Snow DayPosted: Thu, 06 Feb 2025Snowblower for me, and expert plowing by pal Mike DeNeve, THANKS. And advice by Tom, eagle in the yard.
 | "12 inches to a foot" of SNOWPosted: Wed, 05 Feb 2025Five eagles in the yard just now, four Bald Eagles and Nigel the Golden. The youngsters were flying all around hoping for some beef scraps in our enclosure by the river. Nope, outa luck kids.
| Blizzard CountryPosted: Tue, 04 Feb 2025Might be stuck here for a few days, oh well. We had to postpone one school program scheduled for this morning, now in two weeks. A new school for us!  | All the ART!Posted: Sun, 02 Feb 2025Here is a summary of the art for the last year. Mostly dry-point etchings and last one top row is in the Missoula Art Museum Auction, "Sharp-shin." Bid is at $400 right now. The mammals except for the fox are Claybord, "Red Fox" the latest and started a Snowy Owl but keep getting majorly distracted by calamities, news on the way.
| Yesterday at the RiverPosted: Thu, 30 Jan 2025 | SharpiePosted: Tue, 28 Jan 2025Sharp-shinned Hawk in the larch tree in the front yard, a dozen Eurasian Collared Doves parked behind not too concerned.
| Pair 'O Red-tailsPosted: Sat, 25 Jan 2025Male, female below. FUN!
| Just NowPosted: Tue, 21 Jan 2025 Four Swans, Two Bald Eagles and Two spoiled dogs.