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Sibley, Peregrine Falcon
Updated 8/8/2021 10:16:06 AM 

Sibley, the Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus

Peregrine Falcons are part of the Falconidae family in the order Falconiformes. Click here to learn more...

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Sibley Sibley the Peregrine Falcon joined us from Springhill Falcons, a breeding project in Bozeman in 2003 as a three-week old and was placed on the Falconry Permit. Both of her parents were proven hunters with great field experience. This youngster started out eating ground-up quail in her baby play pen in the living room and is an imprint, or thinks that I’m her Mom (or mate.) Sib has impressed audiences of young and old since a downy baby, with 650 programs. One was for the Junior Zoologist Club of the Cincinnati Zoo visiting the Blackfoot Valley. This club was how I started doing all this back in 1973.

Sib "waits on" for game birds at hundreds of feet up, and makes impressive stoops in the field, flying nearly every day from September to March. She has been particularly effective on ducks and pheasants, and was the star of a Ducks Unlimited Television show that was aired on national television. Sibley is named for David Allen Sibley, artist and author of the Sibley bird field guides. We have been lucky and privileged to have nine programs with David, plus days in the field with him at Pine Butte Swamp Guest Ranch on the Rocky Mountain Front.

Sib the bird has a perch in the office on a big glass table, and quietly stood and preened for hours a day as I wrote the last six books - a perfect inspiration. She might be the most photographed bird in the world, by me at least. She was also featured in a BBC film, captured flying straight up in super-slow motion - see our "About" Page for a peek.

  • Date Acquired: 4/26/2003

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